Annika Mulder
VP Procurement Transversal and Space Systems Commodities, Airbus

Annika Mulder leads strategic procurement for a diverse scope of commodities across the Airbus Defence and Space businesses. This includes, amongst others, raw materials and electronic components. She is an Aerospace Engineer with more than 20 years of experience in various functional areas. She is originally from Munich and has been living in Toulouse for 20 years with her husband and two children.

Upcoming Sessions

Add to Calendar 2024-05-15 14:00:00 Raw Materials Summit 2024: Heightening Minerals Security for Defence & Space Sovereignty At a time of intensifying regional conflicts, this panel of aerospace and defence experts will delve into the topic of raw materials’ crucial role in boosting performance and security, emphasising circular approaches and creating synergies between military and civilian sectors. Rue Bara straat 1751070, Brussels, Belgium, The Egg Conference Centre, Auditorium RAW MATERIALS Europe/Brussels public
Heightening Minerals Security for Defence & Space Sovereignty
Moderated by
David Rose
VP Procurement Transversal and Space Systems Commodities, Airbus
Acting Director for Industry, Synergies and Enablers, European Defence Agency
President, EcoTitanium
+1 speaker
Founder and CEO, Minespider